Factors of Your Garage Door’s R-Value
If you don’t want your garage door to leak air conditioning, you need a high R-value. The ability to transfer heat is measured by a garage door’s R-value. A low R-value means your garage door transfers heat from the outside during the summer and transfers heat from the inside during winter. Torrance garage doors need a high R-value during the heat of summer.
What Does a Garage Door’s R-Value Mean?
Garage door manufacturers use the R-value to indicate how well the door is insulated. It is a measure of the door’s thermal resistance. A higher R-value for your garage door may help reduce your energy costs by saving on your air conditioning. This helps keep your home comfortable and lowers your carbon footprint. An insulated wood garage door has the lowest R-value.
Factors That Affect Heat Transfer
Insulation – there are two main types of insulation for garage doors, polystyrene and polyurethane. The best is polyurethane because it offers a higher R-value and sticks to the inside of the door. It is also more durable. If your garage door is adjacent to a living room, it should be insulated.
When the metal edge of a garage door connects with the metal edge of the frame, it can transfer heat. This can be stopped with a thermal bridge. Weatherstripping is usually installed at the bottom of the door. It should remain flexible and block hot or cold air from entering the garage.
How to Choose the Right Value
In Torrance, heat is more common that freezing weather. Most of the year you want to keep the heat out and air conditioning in. For a garage gym or an office, values of R-14 through R-16 or higher is recommended. For an attached non-air-conditioned garage, the value should be R-10 or higher. For a detached garage that is only used to store your car, a lower value is fine.
Whether your garage door is wood, faux wood, steel or fiberglass, insulation is the most important factor for the right R-value for your garage.